Harry Hardwick Memorial Scholarship Awards
The New England Sheep and Wool Growers Association annually present TWO memorial awards for $1000 each. To qualify, a student must have completed one year of his or her undergraduate studies or be enrolled in graduate school. The applicant can not be in a Dual Enrollment program (being enrolled in High School and College at the same time).
FIRST AWARD: Student must be majoring in an agricultural field.
SECOND AWARD: Student should have a 4-H, FFA or Youth Sheep Project background, but may be majoring in a non-agricultural field.
These awards are available to the residents of the New England States and Eastern New York State where the New England Sheep and Wool Growers have an appointed director, to students who themselves or families are members of NES&WGA, or to students who have exhibited at the Northeast Youth Sheep Show.
The application and resume for the Harry Hardwick Memorial Award is attached and must be returned by June 15, 2025. Please list three references.
Send completed applications to:
Rachael Gately regately@gmail.com
If there are any questions about these scholarships contact Rachael through email: regately@gmail.com or dwoolam416@gmail.com
Applicants will be notified of the selections by July 5, 2025.
The awards will be presented at the Northeast Youth Sheep Show, July 200-22, 2025, held at the Eastern States Exposition Fairground in West Springfield, MA - specific date and time to be announced. The winners are strongly encouraged to attend the presentation of the awards.