Below are the events that the New England Sheep and Wool Growers Association are involved in. The NEYSS and the New England Sale are solely run through the volunteerism of NES&WGA members. The Fiber Festival of New England is a joint effort between the NES&WGA and the Eastern States Exposition. The Massachusetts Wool Pool was recently started up again by Aaron Loux, and is strongly supported by the NES&WGA.

North East Youth Sheep Show
This is one of the biggest sheep shows in the country that focuses soley on the youth exhibitors. Some of the best young showman participate in this fun filled weekend!
Some activities available for the youth exhibitors (and even parents): Ice Cream Social, Quiz Bowl, Skill-a-thon, Family BBQ, Scotch Auction, Fitting and Showmanship, and a wide range of Breed sheep classes!

New England Used Equipment Auction
Held every year on Saturday morning during the Youth Show event, this auction is a great opportunity for sheep breeders, both starting out and long time farmers, to pick up some much needed additions for their farm.

The Fiber Festival of New England
A fairly new project between the New England Sheep and Wool Growers Association and the agriculture people from the Eastern States Expostion, this Fiber Festival is proving to be a big hit with everyone in the New England-New York area. The Festival's vendors offer raw wool to finished products, and everything in between.
More information about The Fiber Festival, click here!